You see, the thing is I don't even want to play Grey Knights. Sure the fluff seems cool, and yes, I'm also sure they will be fun to play, but all I want to do is paint them. Sad I know.
But it's this kind of thing that could lead to me starting a third army I REALLY don't want.
I know that I wouldn't have to put much money down to start the army, as point costs on individual models are generally higher than that of your standard Space Marine. And this appeals to me, but only because it would mean less models to paint.
Now the paint scheme is also something I have not tried before, and to be honest, would be quite nervous about. Which makes me want to do it even more, just to see if I can pull it off.
Take the Ne

And then there is the Jokaero Weaponsmith. Just looking at this fuzzy little critter makes me want one... or several. And that's just to paint them. However, the other day I did start having thoughts about using them as servitors, but I'm still trying to make my mind up about that.
This obsession with wanting to paint these models has even got to the point now that I told one of my friends, who doesn't currently play but is looking to start, that he should start a Grey Knight army. I then went on to add "But don't worry, I'll help you paint them."
Why would I even want to paint another army when I have two at home that need lots of work doing to them still. I really need to stop thinking about it... maybe I should stop typing...
...nope, it didn't help.
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