And a two part mould it is. It came apart fine, and now it is time for me to FINALLY try my hand at casting resin. But first, here is a photo of my mould:

And here is a picture to show you what each part is:

So, as I was saying before, time for the fun part.
Step I:
I put a wall of lego on either side of my mould, then wrapped a few elastic bands around it. This helps keep the mould together when casting, thus minimising the flash.
Step II:
The instructions on the resin I bought said to mix the two parts in equal weight for 30 seconds. After doing this I poured it into the mould, topping it up every now and then when it
starts to settle. I then waited 45 minutes to let the resin cure.
Step III:
Step III:
I opened the mould, and this is what I had made:

On close inspection, there are a few little bubbles, but nothing I can't fix with a tiny bit of "green stuff". Altogether though, I'm very happy with how it turned out.
Well thats all I've got to say for now, and I hope this was helpful in anyway to people.
Well thats all I've got to say for now, and I hope this was helpful in anyway to people.
Awesome work Jim! I'm very impressed with all this resin lark. What's next on your list?