As most you know by now, Powerfist Gaming has got it's own podcast, Initiative 1 Podcast. And if you don't know this already, where have you been?
So far there have been three episodes, which have seen multiple hosts (including myself), all of which bring there own personalities (and senses of humour) to the show. We try to cover a variety of topics, such as news and rumours, product reviews, what we've been up to, and... well... anything else that may pop into our heads at the time.
Currently I am arranging some times for interviews with two other well known podcasts, The 11th Company, and The Overlords.
These will be airing on their shows at some point in the future.
Anyway, thats all I have to say at the moment, so please check us out and give us a listen.
You can find us on iTunes by searching for Initiative 1 Podcast, or at our blogspot, http://initiative1podcast.blogspot.com/.
And please, leave us a review and a rating (a five star rating will help us get seen more).
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